Friday, January 14, 2011

Another one bites the dust continued due to my IPAD conking off

Well apart from the rubbish written in the last post what I wanted to conclud the blog was that
Life is the same
I have become healthier I play twice every fortnight now
I have been the laziest MBA grad this side of the vindhyas, the MBA has absolutely everything to do with my laziness
Have"nt read a whole lot since the beginning of this year, and I am the proud owner of 13000 pirated books, 400 gigs of comics including Hindi comics like super commando dhruv and Nagraj, the Hindi collection includes absurdly vague ones like srimathi, pinkie and billu
Reread Y the last man, 100 bullets, lone wolf and cub, planning to upload the entire set of flash comics on to the pad

And yew all you folks who bought a kindle and admonished me for picking up the pad, I can read comics in color

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