Tuesday, March 25, 2008


darkness completes me, ensconced in darkness, a little voice speaks out " Isn't it a tad unfair that i cant see"
well true brightness arises only from a place that is dark
cut the bullshit dear lord , don't tell me you have hired a pr to write your speeches

the enigma of light , sheer brilliance , light which is all encompassing , light which is pure, light which is to be worshiped , light which is not to be feared , light that gives life, light the stuff which heroes , well angels and anyone who has a halo on them, brightness, well now this post has taken a weird trajectory -- thus shall be deemed incomplete

Reading les miserables, kinda liking the book the second time around, after writing the above passage , i now have serious concerns over my command of the language

lemme post on something say what , now this is getting really confused,

well now take this passage

lam driving on this god forsaken road, turning on a curve , i suddenly have this vague idea, a notion that some ---- let this remain unpublished for a while

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