Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Arbit v 1.1 continued

want to get into a field where u are the one who is omnipotent the master the creator of a new verse, the verse which shall behold the veracity of virtue , whoa what was this stoned again, was havin a conversation with a friend who believes he is an atheist, well as they go his arguement was everything is evolving and it is an accident we are here, me aint that great a believr but go according to him , it is kinda sad that you are out here leading a life with no one watching you?
belief beholds me that iam an actor the protagonist in a play written by someone with me having a major part to play in this Play which is my life , i belive that some people's like Lady diana's play was a super duper hit as we atmilians or rather the whole of india describes a brilliant movie, some people have the knack of maki9ng their play interesting, is it you who is authoring the play or is it the invisible hand which begots the play,?
marquez in his bigraphy says that he never llearnt to spell , same ghere, comprendo votre verse,
par na pas une spelling de correct, ah i cant write french woould love to learn some other tongue, one in just a literal sense, without having to speak to others so let us say an experiment in which maybe you can intone the words as they are intended to be, sounds werid but what say you giive it a try,
back to reality a'int getting any sleep, trying to watch a movie with so many distractions, i did proclaim when i was drunk yesterday, that scienceis trying to be man' new religion, my dad when i was a kid told me to ask 7 questions when u r faced with a fact or a situation , all the W qns he told me when i get an answer to all of these i have comprehended the situation , never have i been able to do so,as i write the mud slinging between both IIMB & IIMC still goes on, me being from B has to have a side, well as usual my illustrous batch mates had to point out that we are being so childish and then go on criticising C for being so childish, i have never seen bigger hypocrites in my life,
a man's belief does make him change , chalo lemme completee my movie, i sincerely hope no one reads this for i promised that whatever i write here would be writte when Iam half asleep,

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