Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ennui 1.4

Blog wars

about this iipm thingie up on the web, now find it hilarious, finally we might have a law on personal opinion and still wondering, if a blog is considered as a public message and can people be sued for a private post , let us say, i've a board at my house sayin "iipm sux", can i be sued for defaming a institute which dares to think beyond the iims( pun intended of course) or how does it matter , it is my opinion, well so much for free speech, if a guy loses his job , over it, that is quite pathetic, well me do know some kids studyin out there, have seen their campus in blore, nothin great , another one of these miraculous groomin schools which promise to make u into a guru( aka pygmalion)
personal slander , raed some of the comments on the RB's blog, kinda feel sad to know that people can be so pathetic, heights dude, really am waitin for the suit to go thru, will be fun to know what the judges declare, am being a part of the blog wars , but seriously how pathetic can u get, and here is it in bold letters, " iipm sux " go ahead sue me, anyways plannin to file for bankruptcy does'nt matter well another post and the idea is on whose side iam ,

on a personal note , nothin much appenin in life , met a women on the bus to cbe , liked her, like the fool iam, not gonnna do much about it, we really did hit of well , but i guess if it has to happen , will happen

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